The rules are very simple: You need to accurately guess the mathematical equation in 6 tries. In each line enter your own correct equation to find out what numbers and arithmetic signs are in the equation. If the number or sign is in the equation, but in the wrong place, it will be highlighted in yellow, if in the exact place, then in green. If there is no number or sign in the equation at all, the color will be gray. Can you guess the target equation in 6 tries?
To start the game, simply enter any correct equation to find clues. In total, you will have 6 tries to guess the target equation. When calculating, you can use numbers (0-9) and arithmetic signs (+ - * / =).
If there are any numbers or arithmetic signs in the target equation, but in the wrong place, it will be highlighted in yellow. If there are numbers or signs in the equation and in the exact place, then it will be highlighted in green. Gray color means that these numbers or signs are not in the equation.
To win the game, you need to guess the equation exactly (all spots are green). At the end of the game, you can easily share your result on social media, as well as copy the link and challenge your friends!